Kathleen (Katie) M. Mays

Katie practices in the area of Trusts and Estates law.  She focuses on assisting Trustees, Guardians, and Agents in navigating all aspects of their duties, including managing assets, paying bills, and addressing tax matters.  Katie works with financial advisors and accountants to ensure funds are appropriately invested and clients comply with applicable laws.  Katie also advises clients in making appropriate expenditures and the recordkeeping of the same.  She prepares accountings as required by the court and/or the governing documents.  Katie’s years of experience working with Trustees, Guardians, and Agents have given her the skills to excel in assisting clients with the unique challenges that arise when they serve on behalf of others.


Duke University School of Law (J.D., cum laude, 2005)
Washington and Lee University (B.A., magna cum laude, 1998)


North Carolina (2005)


Asheville City Schools Foundation, Board Member

Mama Maisha, Former Secretary and Board Member



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